
Ultraformer III

Ultraformer face treatment

What is the Ultraformer III?

ULTRAFORMER III is a non-surgical, skin lifting, skin tightening and contouring device that provides a customised treatment for areas of concern on the face, neck and body. ULTRAFORMER III incorporates high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) energy resulting in the overall improvement of skin tone and texture.*

Why ultraformer III? Non-invasive procedure, effective and less pain, multi-functional and multi-depth, micro and macro focused, faster and precise shot application, high peak power

Ultraformer III for the Face

Ultraformer face treatment, forehead winkles, brow lift, frown lines, crow's feet, fine wrinkles, cheek definition, nasolabial folds, lip lines, marionette lines, double chin, neck folds

Ultraformer III for the Body

Ultraformer Body Treatment Decollete, Arms, Axilla, Flanks, Abdomen, Lovehandles, thighs, knees

Key Information

* Note: Results may vary from person to person and there are no guarantees that you may see the same positive outcomes. 

Ultraformer III is an advanced non-surgical skin tightening and lifting treatment utilising macro- and micro-focused ultrasound technology. It stimulates the body's collagen production, targeting specific layers of skin without damaging surrounding tissues. This precise targeting promotes safety and comfort while effectively rejuvenating the skin.

Engineered with endless capabilities offering endless combinations of treatment regimens, the ULTRAFORMER III is suitable for patients with the following concerns:


Ultraformer III is suitable for skin tightening, lifting, and contouring in areas such as the jawline, cheeks, brows, neck lines, and more. It effectively treats fine lines, wrinkles, sagginess, and improves overall skin tone and strength.

Yes, Ultraformer III is considered safe with no known long-term side effects. The treatment targets multiple layers of skin to lift, tighten and contour without causing harm to surrounding tissues.

Immediate skin tightening is noticeable post-treatment, with further improvements occurring gradually over months as new, stronger collagen forms. Results are long-lasting, although a maintenance program may be recommended to sustain improvements.

One session lasts around 45-60 minutes for one specific area. The real changes happen slowly as new collagen replaces the old collagen. This process keeps improving your skin for up to six months after the first treatment. We recommend having two sessions with a gap of 3-6 months between them for the best results.

While some discomfort is expected due to the heat generated by the ultrasound energy, It is much less painful compared to other lifting treatments.

There is no downtime after the procedure. Mild redness, swelling, or discomfort may occur for a short duration. Patients can usually resume regular activities immediately after treatment. Mild tenderness, numbness or tingling sensations might persist for a few weeks.

Ultraformer III results are long-lasting, but factors like sun exposure and aging may impact them. Periodic maintenance treatments every 6-12 months can help sustain and enhance the results.

Ultraformer Machine

Schedule a Consultation

Call us on 07 3852 4878 or simply book an appointment